
What Creative Media LLC does…

Creative Media LLC is a full-service talent recruitment and content development company working with mission-focused creators in public media and commercial podcasting. Creative Media LLC treats each client as a unique relationship requiring special attention. Creative Media LLC is committed to diversifying the people and talents in public media and relies on broad, trusted networks to achieve this goal. On occasion, Creative Media LLC outsources or collaborates with other independent consultants to achieve results; those collaborators have practices and values that align with Creative Media’s goals.

About John Barth…


John has worked in public and commercial media for 40 years and built trusted and productive relationships across public radio, major networks, television, print, digital and podcasting.

John has successfully led small and large teams who deliver meaningful work that has resulted in multiple Peabody, du-Pont-Columbia, SPJ and AP awards.

He knows what it means to find skilled team members, uncover hidden talents and support them to success.

 Areas of Specialty


Talent for Newsrooms and Radio Programmers

Journalism is in flux. The demands have rarely been higher for reporters, editors and producers. Trust is at a premium for listeners across a spectrum of values. Respect, accuracy, nuance, completeness and context - Creative Media LLC strives to find journalists who appreciate this moment and have the courage, resiliency, skills, creativity and humility to keep you credible in front of the audiences you have and the ones you want to serve.

Creating Podcasts

New on-demand content enters the most competitive media environment we have ever seen. Industry consolidation is a fact of life; picky listeners are, too. Finding a path to revenue, let alone sustainability, is full of challenges. Creative Media LLC helps dedicated creators find their voice, pair-up with skilled producers and connect with experienced business practitioners so you are never alone in navigating a dynamic media environment.

